Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Found a picture of some soldier guy and I really liked his face so I painted it.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Some progress on my thesis! The Wife and the zombies are in the rough BW stage still, so they'll come later.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Playing around with colors.
The creatures! They are still very much a work in progress but I am hoping to start painting them soon.

Zombie Soldiers

Red Dragon
The three main characters thus far. Soon to begin painting!

The Traveler

The Wife

King Simius

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Just a quick thing. Painting is still so hard. :(

Friday, September 30, 2011

Zombies aahhhhh! Also, some ideas for King Simius and pose layouts for The Wife. I'm having trouble coming up with a design that I like for King Simius. Should he be tall and thin? Big and beefy? I think both body types can portray strong figures but in much different ways. Time to get back to sketching!

This post includes rough dragon concepts and pose layouts for The Traveler.

Gonna be uploading a handful of sketches I've done so far for my thesis project. I'll be breaking it up into three posts because there are a bit too many for a single post!

This post includes rough ideation sketches of The Traveler, The Wife, and a little bit of King Simius.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Senior Thesis 2011-2012

I'm going to force myself to use this blog to document the process and various stages of my senior thesis at Otis College of Art and Design. Today marks the third week and I have established my project as well as written up a production schedule I hope to successfully follow.

A little bit about my thesis... my junior year of high school I discovered and fell in love with a band who called themselves Ludo. Their songs were unlike any I had ever heard previously; their ability to weave together whimsical stories of love, heartbreak, war, and destruction was so captivating and inspirational to me. To this day, they continue to be a major source of creative inspiration. For all that they have given me throughout the years, I thought it appropriate to dedicate my thesis to this band who has been there through some of my most creative years.

"Broken Bride" is a rock opera concept album Ludo released in 2005. It is a series of five songs that each make up one part of an entire, cohesive story detailing the adventures of a man who travels throughout time to bring his deceased lover back to life. Considering my main area of interest is concept art, I will be choosing characters, creatures, environments, and props from the songs to bring to life in a visual form. For the first few weeks I will be feverishly sketching out all of my ideas for the various subjects, which will then move forward into becoming finished paintings. All of this I will post and document here as I find it really rewarding to look back on what I have done and how far I have progressed on self-driven projects.

Here's to a successful and creative senior year! And finally...

Andrew Volpe and Tim Convy from the Ludo concert I went to over the summer. :)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Sunday, August 28, 2011

New blog

New blog to commemorate a new year! And also a quick little painting of a fish.